Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Exhibition time

My constant fascination, and the subject of my work, has been intricate detail in nature. The works, are mostly inspired by photos that I take while out walking in the Australian landscape. The photos range from very close up views, using a macro lens, photos for example of the structure of a leaf, a seed head or a fungus, to views of groups of objects, taken from a few metres away. Because of the view, the work can appear either seemingly abstract, or reasonably recognisable.

Over the past few years I have chosen a particular facet of nature and then created a body of work which explores that facet, every 2 years, exhibiting the results in a solo exhibition. Four years ago, the work was all about patterns in shore platforms while two years ago, I explored the intricacies of the leaf. Now, having been working away since that time, my latest pieces, on the theme of Australia’s High Country are ready for exhibition (see invitation below).

Whilst the majority of the photos I have used for reference were taken in Victoria and around Mt Erica, north of Moe, some are from NSW and others from Tasmania. Working on this exhibition has been an opportunity to revel in exploring and then sharing my delight in the enormous diversity and beauty of the surface textures, summer flowers, fruit and foliage and above all the stunning bark of the Snow Gums that the High Country has to offer.

I have never wanted to work in only 1 medium and so have always chosen to create a variety of different types of works, within my chosen theme, including prints (lino cuts and collagraphs), drawings, paintings and mixed media works, as the photos illustrate.