Saturday, March 7, 2015

Getting back to art and blogging

My break from both art and blogging was rather longer than anticipated after my husband tipped us both off the tandem bike we were riding in Holland and I broke my arm badly. Recovery is slow, there has been a lot of nasty pain and I still do not have full movement in the arm. However I have been back to making art for a while as fortunately I broke my right arm and am left handed. The break from blogging has been longer both due to feeling poorly and because I could not co-ordinate my two arms to work together on a keyboard.

Anyway…. I have been working on some paintings for my solo exhibition in October. I usually have drawings, paintings and prints in my exhibitions and as the drawings were more or less done and I could not operate a printing press with the bad arm, getting the painting finished seemed the best option. I have done four paintings, each 70 x 70 cms, two in blues and two in more earthy colours all on my current theme (where sea and land meet).

 The paintings seemed to work out to my satisfaction surprisingly quickly. Maybe it has something to do with the acupuncture. Acupuncture you say, what can that have to do with the quality of a painting. Well, in desperation I went to see a friend of a friend who is an acupuncturist as I had been in constant pain for months. We were chatting as he stuck needles into me (as you do) and he said he once had a patient who wanted to continue coming even though she was no longer in pain and when he enquired as to why, she said that she had noticed that since she had been having acupuncture her painting skills had improved remarkably…. Who knows, anyway, I was pleased that I did not have to struggle over these paintings, the arm has been more than enough to deal with.