Wednesday, April 24, 2019

String and lino

Two of the string paintings are done and others are still on the way. It has been a very Stop –Start business as art time has been constrained by a myriad of other duties imposing themselves on my life. I use quite thin oil paint and like to mix up small tubs, which will last up to two weeks if sealed when not in use, of the colours I will need. The paint does eventually go thick and sticky and I have to start the process again. When there are too few art days in the week to warrant paint mixing for the canvases, I work on other things.

The latest task has been to finish cutting a lino plate, which is very fiddly and painful and has been on the go for several months. Out came the trusty, rather grubby and slightly leaky hot water bottle again. I have tried putting the plates out in the sun on hot days but they just don’t stay hot for long enough for me, so the hot water bottle it is. I can get almost an hour out of that.

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