I have an abiding fascination with detail in nature and this inspires all of my work. I have always been more interested in the intricate patterns of a leaf, tree bark, rock, sand etc than in the scenery around me when I walk and this interest became more of an obsession once I started to concentrate on making art.
I take photos of all of this rich detail while walking and then reinterpret these in my studio to create works upon a specific theme. I have been developing a consistent body of work for exhibition that explores a particular theme, every 2 years (eg: fungus, shore platforms). The work explores forms and patterns most people do not notice while out in the countryside and can be seemingly abstract. It is often interpreted by others in a variety of ways, though a frequent comment is that it is very "organic." I prefer to use general titles and encourage individual interpretation. If my exploration of lichen reminds someone of snowflakes, that is fine.
· Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning, Melbourne University, 1975
· Diploma of Visual Arts, Holmesglen TAFE, Moorabbin Campus (full time) – graduating 2004
· Over 30 years of experience in drawing and painting undertaken as a continuing hobby while working as a Town Planner, followed by 10 years of practise as a full time artist. During those 10 years I have exhibited regularly both in group and solo shows.
· My many years as a Strategic Planner developed my organisational and problem solving skills, which have been invaluable in my practise as a full time artist
+ Rough and Smooth, September – Oct 2004, Firestation Print Studio, Armadale
+ Different views, Nov 2005 (as above)
+ Lunchtime Loitering, Oct 2007 (as above)
+ Down to Detail, Oct 2008 (as above)
+ Track and Flow, April 2010, (as above)
+ Under the Microscope, October 2011(as above)
+ Fungus Meets Ferrite, October 2013 (as above)
+ Sea + Land = , October 2015 (as above)
All of these solo exhibitions have been organised, curated and hung by me.
+ Postcards Exhibition – regular entries
+ West Space A4 Exhibition – 2003, 2004, 2005
+ Peculiar fascinations, an exhibition with 6 ex art college associates at 69 Smith St – April 2006
+ Living Patterns, an exhibition with 2 friends at Kingston Arts Centre – September/October 2006
+ That’s Life – exhibition of Life Drawing through Firestation Print Studio 2009+ (I have been responsible for curating the show)
+ Ongoing exhibition with three friends at Pheonix Park café in Chadstone until 2014. Work changed every two months
+ Paper Cuts exhibition (selected as major exhibitor), Dec 2010, Pigment Gallery, Nicholas Building
+ Recurrent and one off Firestation Print Studio group shows including Summer Salon and Glow
+ Quadrant Gallery Summer Salon 2013, 2014